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Automobile generator 3d model


Hello! I present a new 3d model «Automotive Generator». I must say right away that it is forbidden to use for direct resale on stocks and similar sites. The model is completely built in Blender 3d 3.0. To visualize the images presented on the page, I used the tools of the KeyShot 6 program.

This object was modeled according to the drawing from two angles. I am not responsible for the accuracy of all sizes, because I do not know what car this generator is from. The objects inside were made without detailed study, since this was not important for the project in which the model was used.


There are no textures in the archive. The render has a map from KeyShot and standard lighting. Several materials are assigned for a solid object: plastic, metal, copper, duralumin and others.


Suitable for placement in the engine compartment of the car. For visualization as a presentation of the main dimensions of the generator. In general: you can put on a belt and fasten the whole thing to the motor on your project.

That’s all for me, thank you all for downloading and see you in the next project. For questions, write to the contacts section or email: info@rendercar.ru.

Formatsblend, dae, obj, fbx,stl, 3ds


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